Burberry Macs

burberry dry cleaning essex

In the winter months we also get our fair share of rain. We have had the pleasure of cleaning Burberry coats that have been around 40 years old. A well maintained Burberry Mac will last you for many years. Burberry did used to offer the scotch-guard protections but this has stopped many years ago. The coats do come with a protections and it’s always best to confirm this when purchasing. It is vital that they are protected before you wear them. So please ask. If they are not then bring them to us and ask for the reproofing service. The scotch-guard used to cost as much as £60. Fortunately we have superb reproofing chemicals which give the vital protection your mac needs as well as protection from ground in dirt. Ground in dirt is a macs biggest enemy. The key is in the following tips:-
1. Make sure your mac is re-proofed before you wear it.
2. Have your Mac cleaned once after every season. If you wear it throughout the year you made need to have it cleaned twice a years. It will loose its reproof agent so have it re-proofed after cleaning.
3. The leather buckles should be removed before cleaning and so should any other leather trimming. These are trimmings that rare difficult to replace if they loose their appearance.
4.Never store your mac in the polythene from the dry cleaner. Instead cover the shoulders in Acid free tissue and let the fabric breath. Alternatively you can use a breathable cotton cover.
For any further advice please contact us on info@efendi.co.uk